Study #2: YOD
The least is often the greatest in God’s economy.
“Jacob” the Supplanter had his name changed by God Himself into “Israel”.
This may be no big deal in English but in Hebrew what remained of his former name in his new name is the tiny YOD ( YA’ACOV = YISRAEL )
In English we see a change in character from the Scoundrel to the Prince of God. But in Hebrew, the key to greatness is found in YOD the essence of humility.
Heavenly Father, until we are found in You we are nothing. Until we as Your children bear Your Name worthily, we are but fatherless waifs building a name for ourselves. Let us learn how to be humble like Jacob who limped the rest of his life after the close encounter wrestling with Your Angel. Then only did he earn his stripes at the Battle of Wounded Knee!
( Genesis 32:22-31 ).