Tek Goldie

Since early in Asian Beacon’s history, the Dear Goldie section has been a perennial favourite in our magazines. Over the years, Tek and Goldie Chong, have helped and counselled many Christians seeking for advice on tough life issues and questions. Through this column, they have also shared sincere and inspirational stories of real meetups with people, straight from their heart, to encourage the Body of Christ in this region.  

Asian Beacon is jubilant to announce the return of the Dear Goldie column as part of our digital magazine. Now known as From the Desk of Tek and Goldie, this is a wonderful opportunity for you as the reader to connect with us and the Chongs. We also hope through the return of this column that we will be able to engage better with you as our reader.

Since early in Asian Beacon’s history, the Dear Goldie section has been a perennial favourite in our magazines. Over the years, Tek and Goldie Chong, has helped and counselled many Christians seeking for advice on tough life issues and questions. Through this column, they have also shared sincere and inspirational stories of real meetups with people, straight from their heart, to encourage the Body of Christ in this region.  

Asian Beacon is jubilant to announce the return of the Dear Goldie column as part of our digital magazine. Now known as From the Desk of Tek and Goldie, this is a wonderful opportunity for you as the reader to connect with us and the Chongs.  We also hope through the return of this column that we will be able to engage better with you as our reader.

For long-time readers of Asian Beacon, Tek and Goldie Chong are no strangers. For our newer followers, however, it may be useful to provide a short introduction for the Chongs. 


Tek and Goldie have been involved in publishing, editing, and writing for Asian Beacon since its inception in 1969 in Malacca, Malaysia. In 2014, the Chongs had their own vision and mission, which they felt could be better served by starting their own digital blog at Through this digital blog site, they kept in touch with their circle of friends and contacts, sharing stories about life and experiences.  


After a short hiatus, the Chongs have returned to work closely with Asian Beacon. Both the Chongs and Asian Beacon feel that this is a timely occasion where they can provide a column to edify the Christians in this region again.


The From the Desk of Tek and Goldie column will be a monthly one featuring Q & A (similar to the Dear Goldie section from past magazines), articles, testimonies, teaching, news, and personal observations. 


The Set Free Ministry

Set Free

“If the Son Jesus Christ sets you free, you are free indeed”: John 8:36

For over 20 years the Chongs have been in the inner healing ministry which they call the SET FREE Ministry. Tek is a medical doctor and has worked in psychiatric hospitals in Hongkong and Perth. They have attended courses by Victorious Ministry Through Christ (VMTC), Ellel, John Wimber, Francis McNutt, and read most of the books by Derek Prince, Charles Kraft, David Pytches, Ken Blue, Jack Deere, and many others. They continue to train and teach in the churches they pastored: Full Gospel Assembly Perth, FGA Marketplace, and now in Zion Praise Harvest. They have recorded some of the these testimonies in their experience which attest to the power of Jesus Christ to set captives free, bind up the broken-hearted, release prisoners from darkness, and proclaim freedom over whom Satan has bound (Luke.4:18).

Just as Jesus’ stated mission was clear then, so is He doing the same wonderful acts today through His disciples to whom He has given power and authority. We thank Him for using us as His hands and feet to set the captives free and give Him all the glory!

Preparing for Baptism

Preparing for Baptism But is afraid of being immersed. A SET FREE MINISTRY sharing by Tek and Goldie Chong Sally (not her real name) was in the class preparing to be water-baptized. In our church, we practice full-body immersion. Sally was insistent she does not want to be immersed and asked if she could be sprinkled instead. We tried to find out why. Sally did not know why but she said she never let water be poured over her head, not even when she took a shower or when she went swimming. We prayed together asking the Holy Spirit to

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Regular Column

My Whole Household

MY WHOLE HOUSEHOLD By Goldie Chong “Make disciples of all nations beginning in Jerusalem….” My Jerusalem is My whole household We have been visiting Malaysia and Singapore regularly, usually staying with our relatives. They have maids who have been working for them for many years. I try to build relationships with them, sharing the good news of the gospel by interesting them to read the bible with me. On every subsequent visit, I try to build on the relationships and continue to have bible study with them. Looking back over 30+ years, I believe Dolly, Rosie and April, the maids

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My Whole Household

MY WHOLE HOUSEHOLD By Goldie Chong “Make disciples of all nations beginning in Jerusalem….” My Jerusalem is My whole household We have been visiting Malaysia

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Table Talk1

Table Talk

Table Talk Dear Goldie, During these frustrating pandemic restrictions, our family has been forced to spend much time at home. This proximity is getting on

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Ask Goldie