Audio Version: Remember God
Remember God
by Sara Oh
When our eyes behold the beauty of the skies
the sunset on the water
depth of blue not reproducible,
Would we remember the splendour and majesty
of God’s holiness,
Remember Him who makes these beauties shine?
When our ears hear the rapturous refrains
of music deep and stirring
touching the very core of our being,
Would we remember the voice of our Lord Jesus
He who makes hope sing
Remember Him and give praise to our King?
When we are in company of caring friends
know the warmth of family
enjoy the unspoken belonging,
Would we remember the embrace of God’s Spirit
His loving presence
Remember Him with us eternally?
Incomprehensible, indescribable
God most-high and lifted-up
Above and beyond all comparing,
Gracious and kind, loving and merciful, Father
We have no other
In humble worship, we remember You.
About Sara Oh
Sara lives in Perth, Australia with her husband, Steve. They have 3 adult children and 2 granddaughters. She practises family and military medicine in Australia.