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Dear Goldie,

Recently while surfing the net, I came across a puzzling teaching by a pastor who said all Christians should be priests. He said Martin Luther taught this “Priesthood of all Believers”. I am just a salesman in a departmental store, so how can I be a priest? I have no Bible school training.  


Dear M.K,

When Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation, he advocated three major issues: Sola Scriptura – sole authority of Scripture; Sola Fide – justification by faith alone; and the “priesthood of all believers”. In the Old Testament, designated special people were priests (to bring the people to God and to bring God to the people) but in the New Testament, every believer is to be a priest: “… you are royal priests… show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9

We are priests to bring God to the people and bring the people to God.  We need not go to Bible school nor do we need to stand behind a pulpit. We can easily do it wherever we are. Of course it would be good if we have some training to be more effective.

Walk and talk

Years ago when I was operating a beauty shop in Melaka, a client saw a book I was reading, called God’s Smuggler.  “What an interesting title,” she remarked.  “Would you like to read it?”  I offered.  She did and from then on, she came to church, eventually becoming a Christian. She brought her husband and her children to the Lord too. Today, about 40 years later, her family is still faithfully worshipping God. Connecting people to God can be as simple as recommending a book to stir their interest.

Another regular client also became a Christian and from the support of our church, her family, including her elderly mother-in-law, husband and children became Christians (see her story in Nov.#35).  Wherever you are, whatever job you do, pray for those in your circle of influence; build a relationship with them and when you see the opportunity, do the work of a priest – connect them to God.


Have you thought about your foreign domestic helper, who misses home, have no friends and have to adjust to a different culture? Can you fulfil her spiritual needs? Recently, we employed a Filipina helper. I happened to meet a mature Christian who lived in the same housing area, who was willing to visit her weekly to study the Bible and pray. What a bonus for her, who is confined to the house, to have this regular, faithful visit. So, be a priest and pray about connecting someone to God in your neighbourhood or right in your own home.


When I was a teenager, I suddenly felt I was missing something in life. I had everything – good family, good grades, money, friends, etc.  But I still felt empty. I didn’t know what I was looking for but somehow I thought maybe I should go to church. Knowing my classmate Sophie was a Christian, I asked her to take me to church and there, I gave my life to Jesus. Just by being known as a Christian, you may be approached to connect someone to God.

Widen your circle of influence

A reader of Asian Beacon introduced me to his aunt who lives in Perth. Although I didn’t know him or his aunt, we got connected. She lives very far from me but she goes for check-ups regularly at a hospital near me, so we always make it a point to meet there to pray and fellowship. So, whether near or far, we can connect each other to God and connect God to each other.


You can be a priest, whoever and wherever you are. But it must be intentional, planned, prayed over and practised. If you find a good restaurant, wouldn’t you want to tell your friends to try?  Similarly, recommend your God to them, telling them how good He has been to you and ask them to try Him.  Make the connection for them to “taste and see that the Lord is good”. Psalm 34:8   


Asian Beacon: Jan-Mac 2018 (Vol 50 #1, p32)

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