Study #1: BET
This is the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Like ALEPH it is loaded with meaning.
Essentially it means a House ( BAYIT ). In fact the pictorial of BET does resemble a House.
But it bears 3 conventional meanings:
1. Physical – a house or building where we spend most of our time.
2. Metaphysical – our bodies house our immortal souls.
3. Divine – God Himself covers or inhabits the whole of creation.
But it is the Biblical meaning of BET that we should be concerned with :
1. God’s house on earth was represented by the Tabernacle of Moses and the Temple of Solomon as described in the Old Testament as His dwelling place among His chosen people. Israel was thus the only nation ever chosen for this singular honour.
2. Our bodies are just the outer casing ( like a space suit ) for our eternal soul and spirit.
3. The Holy Spirit in the New Testament dwells within us so that we are in effect God’s Holy Temple ( 1 Corinthians 6:19 ).
These 3 wonderful revelations suffice as a gentle introduction to this one letter BET.
Father God, it is incredible that You are our Father who is the head of a family with us as Your family members. But it is even more incredible that You would send Your Son to live among us, to “tabernacle” among men. And what is even more incredulous is that we are in Christ ( our Hiding Place ) by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. And all this begins with the understanding of the pivotal BET that opens the Bible with the first B word: BERESHIT ( “IN BEGINNING” in Genesis 1:1 ).