Study #10: GIMEL
GIMEL is such a seminal word that it is hard for me to leave it. For it is the first letter of so many G words that hold such hidden depths of meaning.
Look at the pictorial of Camel ( GAMAL ), and we get its basic meaning of “being high and lifted up”.
When it begins as the first letter in the word GAN (Garden) it literally means ” a place of lifting up life ( NUN )”. But what kind of life is envisaged here?
In the Garden of Eden, the first sin of Man was PRIDE ( GE-EY ) spelt as Gimel-Alef-Hey ( “Lifting up one’s own strength” ) by disobeying God in daring to break His prohibition against eating the Forbidden Fruit. Instead of ” lifting up life”, it brought the reverse of death.
To nullify the curse of Adam, Jesus came to enable us to “lift up the Name of God our Strong Leader” ( GA-AL = Gimel, Aleph, Lamed = Deliverer ).
By falling into pride, Man forfeited his right to remain in the Garden of Eden and was banished into the world of sin, death and decay.
Thus GIMEL defines our greatest sin or greatest benefit. It is imperative that we choose the right GIMEL.
Father God, GIMEL is seen in Your Name as EL GIBBOR ( God Almighty, the God above all gods ). It is a Name that invites us to lift You up above all others. As Christ was lifted up on the Cross, He prophesied that He shall draw all men unto Him ( John 12:32 -34 ). Again He also epitomised GIMEL as our burden bearer. And by His Blood, we re-gain access into the Garden of Eden that we may lift Your Name up on high in gratitude for Your gift of salvation and everlasting life.