Study #11: GIMEL
Just one Hebrew letter GIMEL has so much to teach us.
Yesterday we learnt that GIMEL is a picture of a Camel with the meaning of being “high and lifted up”.
When GIMEL is the first letter of GAN ( Garden ), we can see that a garden is a place where life ( NUN ) is lifted up, a place where intimacy (the highest form of life with God) is openly manifested.
In the following GARDENS, we will a see a spiritual progression:
1. GAN EDEN – the place of intimacy with God was tainted with Man’s sin and a tragic separation ensued.
2. GAN GAL SH’MANIM ( GARDEN OF GETHSEMENE ) – the place where the price of separation was paid by Jesus.
3. GARDEN TOMB – the place where victory over separation ( and death) was achieved. We are now reconciled with God our Father through the Blood of His Son.
4. THE GARDEN CITY OF THE NEW JERUSALEM – the place of heaven-on- earth where intimacy with the Triune God is fully realised and experienced.
Father God, the Bible begins and ends in a GARDEN ( GAN ). Not only is it a place of repose and rest, it is a place of intimacy with You in a relationship we yearn for, a place where we like the Shulamite ( the Bride of Christ) can say of the Bridegroom of her soul: ” I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine” ( Song of Songs 6:3 ).