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Study #12: DALET

Study #12: DALET

DALET has a gematria value of 4:

On Day 1, God separated Light from Darkness.

On Day 2, He separated the waters above from the waters below.

On Day 3, He separated the waters below from water and dry land.

On Day 4, He separated the Sun, Moon and Stars from the darkness.

DALET as the numerical 4 thus reminds us of our place in Creation. If, as some commentators say, our Lord Jesus is the Sun and Israel the Moon ( that can only reflect the Light of the Sun ), we are the stars that illuminate the heavens, that are separated as Light is from Darkness.

Jesus said in John 10:9 ” I am the door; if someone enters through me, he will be safe and will go in and out and find pasture”. He as a door is inviting us to enter into God’s Kingdom of Light through Him.

He is thus inviting us to:
1. To recognize He is the door to salvation and eternal life.
2. To open it when we accept Him as our Lord and Saviour.

Father God, the choice is entirely ours. We come to the Door of Christ by faith in what lies beyond according to His words of life. Indeed He was speaking in no uncertain terms when He said: ” I am the Way – and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through Me” ( John 14: 6 ). And the number 4 truly signifies a day of New Beginnings.

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