Study #12: GIMEL
A friend following my daily devotions smsed me about GIMEL found in the word GO’EL used for Boaz as the Kinsman Redeemer in the Book of Ruth.
I taught about GA-AL already ( to lift up the Name of G_d ) which GO’EL is related as a participle.
The three main characters of the Book of Ruth are not only historic figures but prophetic types as well.
Under the Levirate Law:
1. Naomi needed a Kinsman Reedemer to repurchase the family land in Bethlehem belonging to her deceased husband Elimelech to keep it within their family.
2. Ruth as a childless widow needed a Kinsman Redeemer to marry her to keep the bloodline of her deceased husband.
3. Boaz had to honour the Kinsman Redeemer who came before him with the right of first refusal.
In prophecy, Jesus is our Kinsman Redeemer who rights the wrong of widows ( Naomi and Ruth ) by giving them a hope and a future. Like Boaz He has to go through the Law as the Perfect Sacrifice ( Lamb of God) before He can redeem us from sin and death.
Father God, this aspect of GIMEL as a modifier of G words is indeed a revelation. Found in the word GO-EL, it shows us in prophetic type how Jesus as our Kinsman- Redeemer rescues us from the law of sin and death by His perfect Blood Sacrifice on the Cross. Indeed Jesus is both our one and only GIMEL ( burden- bearer ) and GO-EL ( Kinsman Redeemer ). Indeed without Him the wages of sin under the Law is death and eternal separation from You. Thanks be to our Lord Jesus that He has redeemed us from the curse of the Law and by His grace enabled us to be reconciled with You as our Abba Father.