Study #5: GIMEL
What have you learnt so far?
Yesterday we had an overview of the camel’s journey through the desert of this world.
Its soul was nursed at the source ( BETH = tent ). It had to go through the process of weaning through which a person learns to be independent. So he or she dons the “Nike/ Addidas Shoe” of GIMEL to leave BET for the open door of DALET. Is it going to be a walk or run?
If he or she comes under the covering of G_D ( the invisible ALEPH/ALEF, the true source of spiritual maturity, the true dwelling place of BET ), he or she will learn to be a giver when they realise G_D our Father continually bestows His loving-kindness upon all of us. So we are obliged to emulate Him – to be as benevolent by giving to the poor and needy.
Yesterday you saw the artist’s depiction of how GIMEL is a symbol of hope as a bridge ( the parting of the Red Sea ) into the Promised Land. We become the GIMEL for others as sentinels of hope.
Today I will introduce GIMEL’S numerical value – and meaning.
It stands for the number 3 – the numerical symbol of stability and balace. Look at how firmly
based the pictorial of GIMEL is as a shoe/ foot planted firmly in the physical world. Our daily walk in Christ will determine the outcome of our destiny in Him.
1. GIMEL echoes the equilibrium between the 3 primary elements of Creation: air, water and fire.
2. There are only 3 patriachs ( excluding Joseph ): Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
3. There are 3 divisions of service in the Old Testament: Aaronic Priesthood ( the first among equals ), the Levites and the Children of Israel.
4. The Torah has 3 parts: The 5 Books of Moses, the Prophets, and the Writings.
5. There are 3 bondings : G_D, Israel, Torah.
6. For us, we see the Blessed Trinity at work in our lives.
Father God, GIMEL has so much to teach us. The understanding of GIMEL offers us a rare but precious insight into Your language of love ( Hebrew) from Your heart.
N.B. Tomorrow we shall study the gematria value of GIMEL as a word ( Gimel, Mem and Lamed ). Please stay tuned.