Study #6: ALEPH
We can’t leave off our study of ALEPH without mentioning its pivotal role in EMUNAH (Faith) found in Strong’s #530.
Again it is not spelt with an E but an A ( ALEPH ) in Hebrew – AMNH – from its root word AMAN (Strong’s 539) which means ” Firmness of Attachment “.
1.A = Aleph = Leader
2.M = Mem = Reflecting ( as water does )
3. N = Nun = Man
4. H = Hey = Grace
A pictorial translation may read: ” A Leader reflecting in Man by grace”.
From this definition, we get an idea what EMUNAH ( Faith) means. It is God’s kind of faithfulness reflected in Christ on our behalf by grace.
1. It is directed to a Person not a belief or intellectual assent about that Person.
2. It is active – not a passive belief – an act of total trusting.
3. Such experential trust is stronger than mere reasoning. It is the very faith of martyrs who believe that in denying Christ they are denying everything they are living or standing for. For their faith envelops the totality of their being not just their minds. Hence they were willing to die for their faith.
4. It is the faith of Christ at the Cross trusting His Father although He was rejected and forsaken by the Father Himself when He uttered His last words: ” Into Thy hands I commit my spirit” ( Luke 23:46 ).
Father God, EMUNAH teaches us so much more about faith. It is giving back to You through Christ the faith You had for us although we forfeited it throughout history because of our sin. In Christ we realise by His perfect act of obedience on the Cross, He became the author and perfecter of our faith ( Hebrews 12: 1-3 ). Thank You for showing this to us pictorially through Aleph ( Strong Leader ) in the first letter of EMUNAH. May our faith in You arise even stronger in the challenging days ahead.