Study #8: DALET
DALET has a rootword DAL meaning ” weakness, poverty, extremity”.
It is seen vividly in the two doors of life – birth and death – when we are at our weakest.
The acrostic psalm 119 picks this understanding of “weakness” in verses 25 – 32 which are devoted entirely to DALET.
Verse 25 reads: ” I lie prostrate in dust; revive me, in keeping with your word”.
Again in verse 28 the psalmist cries: ” I am melting away from anxiety and grief; renew my strength, in keeping with your word”.
Father God, in our weakness we find Your strength. The psalmist teaches us that prayer is the way for him to be revived – from a position of lying on his back prostrate to running with Your revelation that You are the One who revives us. Thus verse 32 reads: ” I will run the way of your mitzvot, for you have broadened my understanding”. Indeed Your Word truly imparts life to us. For “revival ” means making alive, keeping alive and the giving of more life.