Study #12: HEI
Hebrew letters are not just ordinary letters. Each letter is a symbol with many inner meanings.
HEI is one such letter with a deep spiritual meaning.
It represents divine revelation, the breath of the Creator ( Psalm 33:6 ). In other words, the world was created with the utterance of the HEI. The fact it is found twice in God’s holiest Name of YHVH shows its special significance within the Hebrew Alef-Bet.
Today we see its outworking in one word HAL ( Looking Toward A Light ) comprising HEI and LAMED. HAL literally means “Beholding the Authority of God” as the LAMED bridges heaven and earth.
A shepherd out in the wilderness with his flock all day can see his tent from a great distance because of the glow of fires – representing his home, family, comfort, safety, food, water and especially the love of family.
Because his heart is touched by HAL, he praises God as the real source of Light – and his being becomes aglow with real gratitude.
This is what HEI essentially means – to behold the glory of God and to give Him praise for who He is and what His hand has provided.
Father God, we now understand why Isaiah told us to ” Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon You ” ( Isaiah 60:2 ). For even to bear Your reflected glory as Your worshippers is an honour and privilege for those touched by the warmth and light of Your love. Indeed HEI is aptly defined as ” to cause a shining of one by praising or giving thanks to another”.