Study #5: HEI
Many rabbis used the Hebrew alphabets as visual teaching aids.
HEI is seen as a broken letter affording a little opening in the left hand corner called “the narrow gate”. The bottom between two vertical lines was an opening too, called ” the wider gate” leading downwards.
This would have served as a good illustration of Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 7: 13 – “Go in through the narrow gate; for the gate that leads to destruction is wide and the road broad, and many travel it; but it is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it”.
For HEI was taught by the sages to represent the presence and breath of God. Only a few can climb to the narrow gate and enter God’s presence or attain His righteousness. But sadly many would pass through the broad gate that leads to destruction.
Father God, Jesus’ Jewish audience would have understood Him much better. But for us we need the Breath of Your Ruach ( The Holy Spirit ) to lift us up to where we belong – through the narrow gate – to enter in and enjoy the intimacy of communion with You.