Study #6: HEI
To appreciate HEI let us review what we have learnt so far.
In the letter GIMEL ( remember The Camel?) we saw the pictogram of the rich man running to the Door of the Needy ( DALET ) to give to the poor man.
This giving of self is the ultimate gift when the identity of the giver is not disclosed – so that the receiver is blessed without any obligation to return the favour.
HEI is thus the realisation of grace – where the giver and receiver are one in God’s love.
Joseph in Egypt epitomised the grace of HEI when he gave his brothers – who had sold him into slavery – grain in a famine. The brothers did not know his identity. The word used in Genesis 47 is HEI when Joseph said to all the Egyptians as well: ” Take ( HEI ) for yourselves seed”.
Upon his revelation to his brothers who he really was, his giving became prophetic in dimension – as it was not mere grain but life-sprouting “seed” that his brother’s children may live on to become the Tribes of Israel.
Father God, the grace of giving is what HEI really means. May we follow Joseph’s example of “fore – giving ” his brothers so that the Egypt of the world may truly know You are indeed the God of Love in our giving and forgiving.