Study #6: VAV
If you look at the letter VAV, it resembles a nail or a HOOK.
In the Old Testament, VAV is used to depict a connective HOOK in the Tabernacle of Moses. More specifically it referrred to the curtain hooks that held the Curtain ( Veil ) between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies.
In Exodus 26:32 we find this description: ” You shall hang it upon the four pillars of acacia wood overlaid with gold. Their HOOKS shall be gold, upon four sockets of silver”.
What spiritual lesson can we glean from VAV as a HOOK?
In life we often become attached permanently to something that we may never have willingly chosen.
This determines our destiny – for whatever we are hooked to determines our future even our happiness or sorrow.
The placement of the Tabernacle Hooks close to the Holy of Holies teaches us that life in Christ was meant to be holy not merely happy. We are meant to be part of His glory through the pain and discipline of sacrificial giving.
Father God, VAV connects us to You. Indeed if we are hooked on Jesus, our eternal destiny is assured. But if we are hooked to the things of the world, we will become what we are attached to. The children of Israel who worshipped the Golden Calf were forced to drink molten gold from their melted idol as punishment ( Exodus 32:20 ). VAV reminds us to drink from Your Fountain of Life, the real source of living and ultimate happiness in heaven.