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Study #8: VAV

Study #8: VAV

Let us recapt what we have studied of VAV.

It represents connectedness:

1. In its graphic pictorial form, it depicts a NAIL or HOOK that joins things together.

2. In its spiritual meaning, it means connecting two opposites, e.g. Light and Darkness, the Future with the Past.

3. In its numerical gematria numbering, it is 6.

Since VAV is spelt in Hebrew as:

Vav = 6
Alef = 1
Vav =6

its total value is 13 – the same value as another word ECHAD (which means One in Hebrew ).

Hence VAV represents the indivisible unity of Oneness e.g. of the Trinity.

Father God, through VAV you are telling us how connected You are to Your people. Now we understand why You said in Isaiah 49:16 – ” Behold, I have engraved you in the palms of My hands”.

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