Study #14: VAV
Satan is not the Antichrist although the latter is likened to being The Son of Satan.
A). Satan in Hebrew is spelt as SH -TN ( using the 3 letters of Shin, Tet and Nun ).
Pictorially Satan is seen as the:
1. Sheen = Destroyer
2. Tet = who twists and turns like a serpent ( who suffocates ).
3. Nun = life.
In short, Satan suffocates life.
B). In Gematria value, Satan is made up of Shin ( 21 ) , Tav ( 9 ) and Nun ( 14 ) which adds up to 44…the number for ” the judgment of the world” ( 4 x11 =44 ). He is the one who sees to it that Creation ( 4 ) multiplies its corruption and sinfulness ( 11 ) to the hilt.
What is his link to the Antichrist?
He will raise up a human equivalent of himself – the Antichrist – who is of like nature and who will lead the world to its limit of sin and corruption that invites God’s final judgment.
Father God, in Genesis 15:16 You told Abraham that You will not punish the Amorites until their sins have reached their “full measure”. This took up to 400 years after Joseph when Your chosen people left Egypt for the Promised Land under the leadership of Moses and Joshua respectively. Likewise Your judgment of the world at the Endtimes will only happen when the sins of the world reach their zenith point of no return under the Antichrist ( who is influenced and tutored by Satan ). This spread of evil will include the False Prophet who together with Satan and the Antichrist will form the false Trinity that will beseige the world and corrupt it with sin. Until then remind us constantly to be on guard, to watch and pray and to redeem our time for the days are evil ( Ephesians 5:15-17 ). Also allow those who realise such prophetic truths to repent when there is still time and turn back to You as our true and living God.