Study #15: VAV
At the Endtimes, Satan’s campaign of deception will be successful. His evil minion – the Anti- Christ – will institute a global system of worship with the help of the False Prophet within a false religion designed to exalt himself. Many will take the “mark of the beast” and fall away from their faith – just as Jesus had warned in Matthew 24: 10, 24.
For a season this Evil Trinity will establish the greatest, most powerful satanic dynasty in the world.
To ward off despair, let us recall the prophecies of the Old Testament prophets given more than 2,700 years earlier.
1. DANIEL 8:23,25 ” In the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors have reached their limit, a king will arise…He shall also rise up against the Prince of the princes; but he shall be broken, not by human hands”. In these verses we know Satan’s kingdom will be demolished by God’s supernatural force.
2. ISAIAH 14:12-17
” Yet you shall be brought down to Hell, to the sides of the pit…”
3. EZEKIEL 28:12, 17
Satan or Lucifer was an anointed cherub ” full of wisdom and perfect in beauty” but because of his attempted self-exaltation he was “cast…to the ground”.
LUKE 10:18
Jesus affirmed Isaiah’s and Ezekiel’s accounts of a fallen Satan.
” I saw Satan as lightning fall from heaven “.
Father God, Paul described the fall of Satan and his minions in these words : ” Then the lawless one will be revealed, when the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth, and destroy with the brightness of His presence ” ( 2 Thessalonians 2:8 ). Once Jesus shows up, Satan’s great pretender – the Anti-Christ – who duped the world into believing he is Your son will be dispelled instantaneously. When Jesus returns with unimaginable power and authority, every opposing force – including Satan the enemy of mankind throughout history – shall be overcome. Hallelujah!