Study #17: VAV
In the Great Tribulation, the earth will become steadily more corrupt and damaged. As a result:
1. Men’s hearts will fail them for fear of things to come ( Luke 21:25-28 ).
2. Or they will be indifferent and self- indulgent “eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage” ( Mat. 24: 37-38 ).
3. For the failure of parents to be good role models, their children will be “disobedient to parents, unthankful, proud and unholy” ( 2 Tim. 3:1-3 ).
4. Even believers will be ” lovers of pleasure – having a form of godliness” ( 1 Tim. 3:4-5 ).
5. Thus when they long for ” Peace and Safety “, their self-inflicted curses will bring ” sudden destruction ” ( I Thess.5:4-8 ).
6. Their age will be one characterised by ” wars and rumours of wars, famines and earthquakes” ( Mat. 24:6-8 ).
7. Meanwhile worldwide Anti -Semitic ( Anti-Jewish ) antagonism will spur the Jews to return to their homeland in Israel ( Isa.11: 10-12 ).
Father God, we are already seeing such signs in our times. Now that Jerusalem is recognized as the capital of Israel for the first time since the birth of Israel in 1948, the time clock of prophecy has gathered momentum. Indeed when the world is ripe for judgment, Jesus will return with the armies of heaven to begin His Millenium reign of righteousness for a thousand years, and the world will experience for the first time the restoration of all things good and holy, a time when all wrongs will be put right and all evil purged from the face of the earth.