Study #22: VAV
As VAV denotes, we are Men and Women of Sin.
Then why does the Bible say we are created in the image of God?
1. Accepting that God is our Creator is a basic step of faith
God as Creator is a benchmark of everything that follows.
The Bible says: ” By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible ” ( Hebrews 11:3 ).
As our Creator, we are subject to His power, authority, wisdom and direction. His image in us compels us to reflect that image.
2. God’s image does not refer to physical qualities
God did not create us exactly like Himself, e.g.He has no physical body. Instead, we are a reflection of His character. When we live as He desires for us to live, we reflect His character to a watching world.
3. God’s image in us means we belong to Him.
A life that bears the image of God belongs to God ( Mark 12:14 ).
4. God’s image is the basis for human self-worth
The psalmist said: ” I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well ” ( Psalm 139:14 ).
5. God’s image is important in human relationships
We have qualities that distinguish us from animals.
6. But God’s image in us is marred by sin
Jesus’ payment for sin on the cross made it possible for our broken relationship with God to be restored ( 2 Cor. 5:21 ).
7. God restores man’s original image in Christ
” Those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son” ( Romans 8:29 ).
Father God, being made in Your image is a great privilege. Of all Your creation, only mankind – not even angels – was created in Your image. Because we bear Your image, You have a claim on our lives. And Your plan is to make those who are Your own into the image of Your Son. As it was at creation, Your people will once again possess Your image in all its glory!