Study #4: CHET
Let us do another word study today on RACHAM ( COMPASSION ) in which CHET acts as a powerful modifier.
RACHAM is spelt with 3 letters:
1.RESH = Head, first or beginning.
2. CHET = Fence
3. MEM = Water, the spiritual water of life that is fresh and pure.
Putting these letters together, the simple word picture of RACHAM is ” the beginning of the fence of the water”.
RACHAM thus signifies the “outpouring” of God’s heart to us like a reservoir – through the Open Door of Jesus.
1. In fact Moses in the Old Testament had this revelation of God’s infinite compassion towards us.
Exodus 34:6-7 ( ESV) – ” And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful ( RACHUM ) and gracious ( CHANUM), longsuffering, and abundant in goodness ( CHESED) and truth, keeping steadfast love ( CHESED ) for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgresdion and sin…”.
2. Likewise Jesus in the New Testament was “moved with compassion” when He saw the need of the people and reached out to heal them or provide what “water” they needed.
Matthew 14:14
“And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and He healed their sick”.
The Aramaic word for Compassion ( Rechem ) was used here which is similar to the Hebrew RACHAM.
Father God, we have come to Your Fence ( CHET ) of grace ( CHEN ), life ( CHAI ) steadfast love ( CHESED ). And today You invite us in to savour Your compassion (RACHAM) that fails not but is new every morning ( Lamentations 3:22-23 ).