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Disappointment In Serving In ALPHA Ministry

Dear Goldie,  

I was thrilled when three persons accepted Christ in the Alpha course that I was leading. However, one of them, a young lady, has disappeared. I emailed her but got no response. There are also other disappointments serving in this ministry. Firstly, I was put off by the non-committed attitude of some volunteers who signed up as leaders but only appeared a few times. And we were told from the start that we had to serve for the entire course! Secondly, I can’t stand some arrogant people who lack team spirit. There’s no joy working with them. I’ve decided to stop serving in this ministry although I’ve been urged to continue.


Dear Disappointed,

I commend you for faithfully carrying out your responsibility and being rewarded with seeing three persons enter God’s kingdom. The angels in heaven are rejoicing with you. As for the young lady, don’t give up. Continue to pray for her and reach out to her. In my experience, people usually respond if someone persistently contacts them.

It’s a pity that some uncommitted people have discouraged you. Their reasons may really be legitimate. So instead of blaming them, maybe you should find out their difficulties, pray for them and even help them. But their failure should not stop you from serving. As Paul says, ‘’Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.’’ (Col. 3:23, 24.)  When Peter asked Jesus about John, “What about him?’’, Jesus reprimanded him, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.’’ Don’t look at what others are doing; you just do what Jesus tells you.   

Have a positive attitude; thank God for the opportunity of serving in Alpha with your skills and experience. Thank Him for the leaders who have entrusted you with this responsibility. Thank Him for each and every one of the personalities you work with, even those you don’t like. Understand that everyone is at a different level of maturity and God can use anyone at any level.

Ask God to forgive you for being critical and complaining. Forgive and pray for those you don’t like. No matter in what environment, be open to what God is trying to teach you and preparing you for more service in the future. Focus on accomplishing the goals set in the group, giving your best. Most importantly, pray for the participants. Let praise and thanksgiving drive away negative attitudes and thoughts so that the joy of serving the Lord will return and strengthen you.

Believe that wherever you are, you can contribute in some way, so pray about how and where God wants you to serve in this season of your life.

Let me tell you about 24-year-old Albert McMakin. Being a new Christian, he couldn’t do much in the area of serving but he had a ute and during an evangelistic campaign in his town, he loaded his ute with his friends and drove them to the meeting every night. One of his friends who went was a young man who became a Christian that week. That young man was Billy Graham! You just never know that your contribution may bear a thousandfold eventually. So do your part and God will commend you, “Well done my good servant… you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.’’ (Lk. 19:17)

We are not called to be like other Christians; we are called to be like Christ. Remember you are not doing this in your own strength; you can ask the Holy Spirit to empower you with divine ability.


Do you have an isssue you need advice on? Write to Asian Beacon’s Goldie Chong at for her godly counsel. Selected questions may be featured in this column. If you leave an email address, you will have your question answered, whether it’s published or not.

Asian Beacon: Jul-Sept 2018 (Vol 50 #3, p46)

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