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Study #14: CHET

Study #14: CHET


We often gloss over this 7th descendant of Adam ( Jude 1:14 ) with a cursory attitude.

But he should not be overlooked as he was exceptional for 2 reasons:

1. His name is prophetic as it presages the coming of the Messiah. In Jude 1:14, Enoch gave a most astounding prophecy: ” Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of His saints…”.

2. He was the first man to be “raptured” ( translated into God’s presence without dying ). Read Hebrews 11:5.

In fact Enoch ( CHNUK ) is found 9 times in scripture – and his name ranks after Adam and Noah as the most mentioned.

1. The Pictorial Meaning of ENOCH ( CHNUK )

CHET= Fenced off, a private Sanctuary.

NUN = Life

VAV = Nail

KAF = Palm of Hand.

His name thus can be translated: ” A private sanctuary where life is given by the securing of an iron nail in the palm of the hand”.

Father G_d, this is a vivid but harrowing picture of the Messiah’s sufferings whose Blood Sacrifice enables us to enter into heaven and Your eternal presence. Nevertheless, it is one of the most important and earliest prophecy of the Atonement ever recorded for our benefit. May we be ever mindful that Hebrew names in the Bible are given as testimonies and character studies for us to learn from.

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