Study #16: CHET
If we compare the pictorials of DALET and CHET, we notice the similarity – both are written to look like doors.
But there is a subtle contrast and difference. A Door acts as a barrier whereas a Doorway is a passage-way from an open door to what is on the other side.
Both pictorials point to Christ as our Door and Doorway:
1. “I am the door” ( John 10:7 )
2. ” I am the way and the truth and the life ” ( John 14:6 ).
Interestingly, the word CHET is linked to CHATTAH ( a word for sin ). Jesus is our sin- bearer for ” G_d made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf…”. ( 2 Corinthians 5:21 ).
As our Open Door ( DALET), He leads us through the passageway ( CHET ) from darkness to light, from death to life.
Father God, Jesus is both our DALET and CHET. As our Sin-Bearer, He offers us His righteouness in exchange for our sins. Indeed He is our CHET – the only way back to You in an unbroken covenantal relationship of love – one that will last forever in Your everlasting arms.