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Study #17: CHET

Study #17: CHET


A song we learn to sing in Hebrew while touring the Holyland is “Shalom Chaverim” ( Shalom Friends ).

The singular noun is CHAVER spelt with 3 letters: Chet, Bet/Vet, Resh.

The pictorials of the three letters point to the closeness of a friend as a family member akin to a bosom buddy (חבר).

Chet = Fence or Hedge of Protection

Vet = House, family inside

Resh = Head, a Prince

The word CHAVER has the same root as the Hebrew word CHIBUR meaning “connection”. The definition of friendship is loyalty – so that even when friends are apart the bond between them remain intact. You share your personal identity with each other and thereby have closeness.

In fact the first two letters CHET and BET/VET together means CHOV – a word meaning “bosom”. Hence when RESH is added, CHAVER means a ” bosom buddy”.

Father God, the Bible tells us there is a friend who stickest closer than a brother ( Proverbs 18:24 ). Who is He but our Lord who numbers us as His close friends? ( John 15:15 ).

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