Study #19: CHET
CHET has a gematria of 8 which when viewed sideways is a picture of a “YOKE” for two animal heads.
In some pictorials CHET is sometimes pictured as a crowned ZAYIN ( Crowned Man ) “YOKED” to a VAV ( Man ).
We are thus left with a choice – whether we would submit to our Lord’s “YOKE” alongside Him or go our own sweet way?
There are two relevant scriptures to consider:
1. Amos 3:3- ” Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”.
2. Matthew 11:29-30 – ” Take My YOKE upon you, and learn of Me,for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls. For My YOKE is easy, and My burden is light”.
Father God, the choice is difficult but necessary. Unless we are prepared to be guided by our Lord and be led by the Holy Spirit, we will never plough nor walk the “straight line” in Him. Only then will we learn the fellowship of His sufferings ( Philippians 3:10 ) and the greater lesson that it is not us but He who carries our YOKE ( CHET ), the burden of our Cross.