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Study #20: CHET

Study #20: CHET


If you look at the letter CHET, it resembles a doorway.

It reminds us of the first Passover where the Blood of the Lamb was applied to the entrance of the households of the children of Israel in Goshen ( Exodus 12:7 ).

It is believed there were no doors as their Egyptian masters had to have free access to their slaves at any one time.

But the Blood of the Lamb warded off the greatest enemy of both the Israelites and Egyptians – the Angel of Death who did not spare any of the firstborn of Egypt who were not under the covering of the Blood.

Father God, there are so many facets to the letter CHET. Today it exhorts us to have the Fear of the Lord – for salvation is a serious matter of life or death. We have to make a bold choice of faith – either to enter in by the Blood of Jesus to access His promise of eternal life in Him or to remain outside as slaves to sin, satan and death.

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