Study #22: CHET
The word for “Darkness” in Hebrew has three letters: חֹ֫שֶׁך
Conventionally, CHOSHEK is defined as the absence of light.
But its pictorial meaning is more “enlightening”:
1. CHET has a negative and positive meaning – a private enclosure like a prison or a private sanctuary of rest and repose.
2. SHIN is the powerful destroyer who either imprisons or protects us.
3. KAF is the palm of the hand that either pushes us in or graciously shows us the way out.
Pictorially, CHOSHEK is a place where we are kept imprisoned for destruction without an opening for escape. It is a place where we enter in at our own peril. Once in never out!
Father God, You will always provide us a way where there is no way, an escape hatch where none exists. And it is through Christ who is our Door to Freedom, a Door You open for us which no Man can shut.
N.B. In tomorrow’s devotional, we will piece together the numerical meaning of CHOSHEK and discover God’s way out of Darkness into His glorious Light. Stay tuned!