Study #24: CHET
Conventionally the word NACASH refers to snakes as a species.
But its pictorial meaning is more sinister and became a title for Satan:
NACHASH(נָחָשׁ) is spelt with 3 consonants:
1. NUN = Life, fish, activity.
2. CHET= A secure sanctuary, fence, to separate.
3. SHIN = Destroyer, to devour, to consume, teeth.
Thus the serpent like Satan “consumes our life in the sanctuary”. He literally comes as a thief to steal, kill and destroy ( John 10:10 ).
Father God, Satan is the Serpent who squeezes the life out of us. He beguiled Eve ( Genesis 3:13 ) and got Adam to sin against God. Indeed through his deception, we now know that the wages of sin is death ( Romans 6:23 ).