Study #25: CHET
Yesterday we learnt that Satan has this title of NACHASH ( SERPENT ) as he wants to corner us into an enclosure without any means of escape in order to devour and consume us.
But today in its numerical meaning, we will see that God has the last word as always. Somehow its negative pictorial meaning is neutralised by its positive prophetic message found in its coded numerals:
1. NUN ( 50 ) = Pentecost, the Advent of the Holy Spirit, Jubilee, Rest.
2.CHET ( 8 ) = New Beginnings, New Creation, Eternity.
3. SHIN ( 300 ) = Supernatural Redemption, Deliverance from God’s wrath, Restoration of Relationship.
Thus in its positive meaning the offensive NACHASH bears a prophecy that in time future a Redeemer ( Messiah ) will come to deliver us from the deadly snares of the Serpent ( Satan), sin and death. As God’s New Creation, we shall be freed from its mortal coils and be released into a new covenantal relationship of life and liberty by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Dearest Father, when Moses lifted the Bronze Serpent, all those who looked at it for healing were cured of snake-bites ( Numbers 21:6-9 ). It presaged the prophecy of the Messiah to come – encoded in NACHASH – that all who call on the Name of our Lord shall be saved ( Romans 10:13 ).