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Study #5: TET

Study #5: TET


In Psalm 51: 10 David prayed: “Create in me a clean heart ( Lev TAHOR ) O God; and renew a right spirit within me”.

TAHOR ( CLEAN ) is made up of 4 letters:

1. TET = that which surrounds like the Holy Spirit.

2. HEY = Behold the grace of God.

3. VAV = Man’s enmity with God.

4. RESH = The Head, The Prince, the insufficiency of Man contrasted to the sufficiency of God.

Again the numerical meanings support this reading:

TET = 9 = The Fruit of the Spirit.

HEY = 5 = Grace or favour of God.

VAV = 6 = Man as a sinner.

RESH = 200 = Only God is sufficient.

So David was in effect praying for his heart to be cleansed by God as the only all-sufficient One who could do it! He was in fact asking that his heart be surrounded by the Holy Spirit who is intimately connected to The Prince ( Yeshua Ha Masiach ) who is The One who is able to overcome David’s enmity with God and make him whole and clean.

Father God, Paul reminded us the same thing – that only the Blood of Jesus could secure our relationship with the Holy Spirit and set us free from the burden of sin ( 1 Corinthians 6:11 ). May the Holy Spirit do His good work in us that ultimately in His empowering we may bear the Fruit of the Spirit.

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