Study #12: TET
This famous psalm is a memory aid as it bears all the letters of the Hebrew Alef-Bet in its many verses.
Each of the 8 verses of the 9th stanza starts with the letter TET.
The letter TET means “to surround” and in this instance the psalmist warns the reader that he is surrounded by lies.
The antidote is:
1. To allow God to teach us discernment and knowledge that we may distinguish the good from bad, the truth from falsehood ( verses 66-67).
2. To know that God is good and does what is good so that we will want to learn His statutes ( verse 71 ).
3. To realise ” the law of Your mouth is better to me that thousands of coins of gold” (verse 72 ).
Heavenly Father, You use TET to warn us we are surrounded by lies of the evil one, of the society we live in, and from our own self-deception. Help us to turn to Your Word as our surest guide and tap into the gift of discernment offered by the Holy Spirit to understand the spirit of our age of deception. Let Your Truth set us free from the serpentine tongue of the lying spirit. Help us get out of the greatest lie of self-deception by instilling in us a humble and teachable spirit.