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Study #17: TET

Study #17: TET


A wedding ring is a universal sign to the outside world that the wearer is committed to another.

This usage of the wedding ring is derived from the Jews. It was treasured as it signified what is most precious to us.

Literally TABA’ATH ( RING ) in Hebrew means ” to impress with a seal ” like a king’s signet ring. In the Song of Songs 8:6 the bride desires herself to be a signet ring on the arm of her Beloved. God in turn seals us with His signet ( Revelation 7:2-4 ).

Father God, You said ” I will make thee as a signet” ( Haggai 2:23 ), i.e. an object of constant regard as the ring is ever before Your eye. It also legally represents You as our owner. May we be ever mindful of Your devotion now that we are accepted in Your Beloved Son, to know that we are always in Your heart and mind.

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