Study #3: YOD
In Genesis 49:1-27, Jacob blesses his 12 sons to be the founders of the 12 Tribes of Israel – the blueprint for nationhood that finally had its own national identity in 1948.
Yet the YOD – the first letter in its nationalistic name of YISRAEL – serves as a constant reminder to the Jews of their humble origins.
Their forefathers who came out from slavery to the Egyptians have been elevated to the status of God’s Chosen People.
For nowhere in human history has God moved so powerfully on behalf of any nation in signs and wonders except for YISRAEL, e.g. the miraculous Crossing of the Red Sea.
Heavenly Father, You told YISRAEL she was chosen not because she was the greatest of all nations but because she was the “smallest”
(Deuteronomy 7:7 ). For by their humility in remembering their lowly beginnings will Your grace of elevation be manifested to all other nations – to the praise and glory of Your Name.