Study #7: YOD
Part 1: YOD and God’s Divine Name
God’s Name in Hebrew is spelled like this: [יהוה].
The letters, from right to left are, “Yod-hei-vav-hei.”
Yod is written like a suspended comma. It is a picture of an open hand. Hand speaks of power; but also of human effort, apart from trusting God.
It is also the number “10.” Unlike the West, Hebrew uses letters for numbers. In certain instances, you can also see YOD is being used to refer to the Ten Commandments and even the Tithe.
HEI is the picture of an open window(ה) and is also the number “5.” And what does God open to pour out His blessings? The “windows of heaven!” That’s why we say “5” is the number of Grace!
VAV is a picture of a hook or a nail.
Do you see it? [יהוה] Yod-hei-vav-hei is the Open Hand of Grace, Nailed in Grace.
It’s a picture of Jesus on the cross!
Father God, YOD may be the tiniest of the Hebrew Alef-Bet but it begins Your Most Holy Name. May we realise the significance of this humble introduction to Your most sacred Name.