Study #11: YOD
It is incredible how one tiny letter like YOD acts like an atom in the makeup of all of creation.
The sages say YOD is found in all the letters of the Hewbrew Alef-Tav once you start writing even a jot or dot.
Today we are going to discover a hidden revelation in the Gematria Value of YOD as 10.
10 = 10 ×1. This seeming simple equation is loaded with meaning if we take 1 to represent God.
Then 10 is the complete fulfilment or manifestation of Him.
And who else but Christ is the fulfilment of God?
Heavenly Father, indeed Colossians 2:9 states this clearly: ” In Him ( Christ ) all the fulness of the Godhead dwells in bodily form”. May we ever be mindful of this statement of faith as it has never been said of any man but Christ!
Colossians 2:9
For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.