Study #12: YOD
YOD is the symbol of God’s authority as all authority is vested in Him.
In John 8:6-8 a woman caught in adultery ( but not her male partner ) was taken to Jesus by the scribes of the Law who demanded He pronounce her sentence of death by stoning under the Mosiac Law.
Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with HIS FINGER and said: ” If any of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her “. Again He stooped down, and wrote on the ground.
Though it is not recorded what exactly was written, some commentators say He wrote the private sin of each accuser. In any case, they went away starting with the oldest until only Jesus was left with the woman. “Go, leave your life of sin”, He said to her.
Heavenly Father, the open mouths of the self-righteous accusers were cancelled by the YOD of His Hand which wielded both judgment and mercy on behalf of the accused. May we always be mindful of the severity and goodness of our Lord and Saviour.