Study #15: YOD
Along the Avenue of the Righteous at Yad Vashem are trees planted as living memorials to Gentiles who aided Jews during WW2.
This is what Wikipaedia says:
“The Garden of the Righteous Among the Nations (Hebrew: גַן חֲסִידִי אוּמות הָעוֹלָם) is part of the much larger Yad Vashem complex located on the Mount of Remembrance in
Jerusalem. Along with some two dozen different structures within the Yad Vashem memorial – which is the second most-visited destination in the country after the Western Wall – the Garden of the Righteous is meant to honor those non-Jews who during the Holocaust risked their lives to save Jews from extermination by the Nazis. The entire site receives one million visitors annually. In the Garden, names of the Righteous among the Nations are engraved in alphabetical order on walls arranged according to country”.
Father God, these Gentiles who stood up for the Jews under persecution were not the silent majority. But there was a price to be paid for their courageous stand. Caught for shielding the Jews in their home in Holland, the author Corrie Ten Boom and her sister were imprisoned by the Nazis in a concentration camp where her sister was brutalised, raped and murdered. But Corrie survived and memoralised upon her death at Yad Vashem among other Gentiles like the famous Oscar Schindler who had a movie made after his name called “Schindler’s List”. For Your YAD ( Hand ) is upon all Your children – both Jews and Gentiles – and You will vindicate them in death if not in life.