Study #2: KAF
Yesterday we saw that KAF ends the first sequence of 11 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet – that speaks of our RESCUE in Christ.
The next sequence of the remaining 11 letters speaks of our RACE in Him.
What both sequences point to in toto is that:
1. Jesus rescued us out of the world.
2. We need to pursue to the end in faith in Him.
But why is KAF the starting point of our Race in Him?
Both KAF and YOD are pictures of the Hands of Jesus on the Cross.
But it is KAF ( The Open Palm ) that sparks the race with a bang! For
1. It is His Nail-Pierced Hands that spells ATONEMENT for us on the Cross.
2. It is His RIGHTEOUSNESS that He imparts to us at the Divine Exchange of the Cross – through our faith in Him.
Heavenly Father, KAF is the believer’s marker on his or her journey towards Sanctification. We run the RACE no longer in our own strength and righteousness but in the power of the Holy Spirit and the imputed righteousness of Christ. KAF has this singular honour above all the other letters to lead us on the ” paths of righteousness after His Namesake” ( Psalm 23:3).