Study #3: KAF
The first 11 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet are:
1. Aleph = The Strong Leader.
2. Beth = of the House
3. Gimel = Someone Rich and Generous
4. Dalet = who gives through the Open Door of the Poor ( dead in sin )
5. Hey = Behold the Revelation of God’s Grace
6.Vav = The Nail ( what connects us to God in a covenantal and eternal relationship )
7. Zayin = By the Sword of the Spirit ( Word of God )
8. Chet = Within the Fence ( what separates and protects us from the world and wilderness outside)
9. Tet = Our Potential in Yeshua or Poison of Satan ( the Snake in the Basket )
10. Yod = Ordinal Perfection ( The Cycle of 10) = God’s Right Hand ( His Irresistible Power )
11. Kaf = The Open Palms of Yeshua’s Nail-Scarred Hands.
String them together and we have a beautiful word picture of JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH THROUGH GRACE.
Heavenly Father, what the Love Language of Hebrew is saying through the first 11 letters is that “You are our Strong Leader and Father who is a generous giver to the poor in spirit. When they choose to accept Your grace of salvation by going through the Open Door of Yeshua, they will understand the amazing revelation of His Blood Sacrifice ( His Nail- Scarred Hands ) as the price of their salvation from poverty, sin and death. For the Nail of Vav will connect them to Zayin of Your Word ( the Sword of the Spirit ) which will in turn fence them in the enclosure of Your everlasting arms in an eternal and unbreakable covenantal relationship of Father/ Son. Thank You for this amazing revelation of Your love for us.
As 2 Peter 3:9 says:
“The Lord does not delay and is not tardy or slow about what He promises, according to some people’s conception of slowness, but He is long-suffering (extraordinarily patient) toward you, not desiring that any should perish, but that all should turn to repentance”.