Study #5: KAF
KAF is a benign picture of GOD’S OPEN PALM as He imparts His blessings by the “laying on of hands”.
It acts as a modifier of the name of the famous Western Wall ( KOTEL ) so that it becomes something more than just a tourist site.
Whenever I visit the Western Wall, I have this intense feeling somehow He is waiting to bless me. And when I touch the stones that hark back to Solomic era of the First Temple Period, I sense an affinity with the Jews of the past, an appreciation of their fragile present and a prophetic unction to pray for
the Peace of Jerusalem.
Yet how does such a prayer reach His heart through the cold exterior of a stone wall? Sure enough His words in 1 Kings 9:3 is one such assurance: “And My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually”.
Heavenly Father, the KOTEL still bears the mandate of Your Holy Name forever. The word KOTEL itself is a picture of Yeshua’s open palms ( Kaf ) pierced by the Nail ( Vav ) of Your Eternal Covenant ( Tav ) that bridges heaven and earth ( Lamed ) for the redemption of mankind. Indeed the KOTEL is the focal point of intercessory prayer for all nations to realign themselves into a real relationship with You. For we are called to be Your “living stones” as faithful witnesses of Your grace and mercy upon our lives, washed and cleansed by Yeshua’s nail-scarred KAF.