Study #11: KAF
Let us today delve into the Hebrew Pictorials about KAPPORETH ( MERCY SEAT ) to find its actual meaning.
From Exodus 25, we already know it is the lid carved out of solid gold placed on top of the Ark of Covenant where the Blood of the Sacrificial Lamb is sprinkled 7 times each year on Yom Kippur to cover the sins of the nation only for that year.
It has 3 basic functions:
1. As a meeting place with God Himself ( Exo. 25:22 ).
2. As an Atonement Seat – a place of closure as it were for sin.
3. As a covering of the 3 national sins of His people:
A. Doubt about His daily provision of Manna ( An Omer of Manna )
B. Rebellion against the authority He delegated to Moses and Aaron ( Rod of Aaron ).
C. Unbelief ( and hence Disobedience) regarding His Word ( the broken pieces of the Ten Commandments ).
What more do the Pictorials tell us?
1. Kaf = Hand that covers
2. Pei = The Open Mouth
3. Resh =of the Prince who bears the…
4.Tav = Sign of the Covenant.
What does the silent indictment of the Messiah means? One view is that by His Blood Covenant and sheer Mercy, He will not pronounce judgment upon our sins evidenced by the Mercy Seat that “covers” the 3 national sins of Israel in the Ark of the Covenant.
Heavenly Father, the Hebrew Language – the love language from Your heart – has so much to teach us. Indeed KAF opens up a whole new realm of revelation knowledge to bless us so that we can truly worship You the way You want us to – in spirit and in truth.