Study #16: KAF
The Gematria for KAVOD is 32:
Kaf = 20
Vet/ Bet =2
Vav = 6
Dalet = 4
Total: 32
32 is also a number for LEV ( Heart ):
Lamed= 30
Vet/Bet= 2
Total: 32
What is the connection between KAVOD ( GLORY ) and LEV ( HEART ) which share a common gematria of 32?
To the ancient Jewish mind, LEV ( Heart ) is the center of mind, emotions, action. There was no concept to say “we think with our brains”. The LEV was the control center of our very being.
What the simple revelation of today’s devotion is telling us is that if we wish to give GLORY to God, we should do it from the sum totality of who we are…from our HEART as it were!
Father God, we know we cannot fake our worship to You, to abscribe KAVOD (Glory) to You. For You know the thoughts and intents of our HEART ( LEV ). Help us to bring out the fullness of the Holy Spirit who is resident in our HEART ( according to Romans 5: 5) so that we may have no room in our being for other competing idols. May the KAVOD You have bestowed in us saturate our body, soul and spirit so that we may be filled to the brim with the Holy Spirit as Your vessels of honour for Your GLORY.
In biblical Hebrew, the heart is where we feel feelings, think thoughts, and make choices motivated by our desires (Proverbs 4:23).From the perspective of the Hebrew prophets, the only true redemption for humanity can come through the total renewal of the human heart (Deuteronomy 30:6).
Deuteronomy 6:4-5 (NASB)
“Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might”.