Study #17: KAF
An important date flashed by recently – largely ignored by believers who do not take note of their Jewish Roots: YOM KIPPUR ( DAY OF ATONEMENT ) which fell on the 19th September, 2018.
It was the most Holy Day of the year in the Jewish civil calendar when pious Jews fast and pray over their sins for 10 days ( Days of Awe ) after the Feast of Trumpets ( Shofars ) climaxing in Yom Kippur ( Day of Atonement ).
For them, when the Temple Feasts were observed, it was spiritually a day when their sins were blotted out and remembered no more – for one year only!
One extraordinary word obtained their forgiveness: KIPPUR which is literally translated in Hebrew as “Propitiation ” and in English as ” Atonement”.
The 3 letters in the Hebrew word KIPPUR are Kaf, Pey abd Reysh.
Let’s see what their pictorials mean:
Kaf = to cover, to atone
Peh = to open the mouth
Reysh= the Supreme Head or Prince.
The picture meaning is that of a Prince or Judge who is about to declare judgment on a criminal/sinner but chooses instead to cover his mouth and refuses to pass sentence on that convicted criminal/ sinner.
Heavenly Father, this is the picture meaning of KIPPUR ( ATONEMENT ) found in Your Mercy Seat ( KAPPORETH) which covers the 3 national sins of Israel: disobedience to Your Word ( The Ten Commandments ), their doubt and unbelief over Your Providence ( the Omer of Manna ) and their rebellion over Your God-ordained authority ( The Rod of Aaron ). If they atoned before Yom Kippur, their sins were covered for a year. But thanks to the Blood of Yeshua, our sins are forgiven once and for all time whenever we truly repent ( 1 John 1:9 ).