Study #18: KAF
“Atonement” is not a boring theological word but one that is loaded with an urgent meaning. For it means a resumption of a lost relationship with a Holy God from whom we live, and move and have our being ( Acts 17:28 ). It means the restoration of fellowship between sinful men and a fully righteous God.
How is this even possible?
For Redemption and Eternal Life are out of mortal Man’s reach. We are completely incapable of saving ourselves. Apart from God’s divine intervention, we are doomed and damned.
And this is exactly what the numerical meaning of these three letters teach us.
Reysh Pey Kaf
200 80 20
20 is the number of redemption; 80 means Eternality; 200 points to Man’s insufficiency compared to God’s sufficiency.
Thus the 3 numbers give a deeper shade of meaning to the word KIPPUR:
Only God not Man can redeem us from sin and death and establish an eternal relationship of covenantal love between sinful Man and an all holy God.
Heavenly Father, we are on trial for the destiny of our very souls. We are standing before You who can send us to Heaven or Hell. And we know that the wages of our sins is death, the death sentence, which somehow in Your grace and mercy, You will not pronounce. This understanding from both the Pictorial and Numerical Meaning of KIPPUR reinforces the idea that You will send Your Son to be the perfect sacrifice on our behalf so that atonement for our sins will not mean a reprieve for one year only but a forgiveness that lasts forever and ever.