Study #13: LAMED
Tomorrow we shall study the Gematria value of LAMED as 30.
But today let us look at the design of LAMED which is made up of two letters merged together:
- VAV with a Gematria value of 6.
- KAF with a Gematria value of 20.
Add them up and you will get 26 – the same Gematria value of God’s most exalted name YHVH, the Tetragrammaron Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey.
So what has LAMED got to do with God?
LAMED represents God as a teacher. If so LAMED is like a teacher’s staff of authority to teach, correct and chastise.
Heavenly Father, only Your Son carried such a teaching anointing in His earthly ministry. For His teachings, miracles and ministry are all manifestations of Your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Indeed – thanks to His teachings – the kingdom of Your gracious rule is a present experience (Luke 11:20; 17:21 ).