Study #17: LAMED
If you lay the letter LAMED on its side, you will see the picture of a GOAD that was used to prod animals towards the required direction.
The GOAD is thus an instrument of discipleship in the symbiotic relationship between a teacher and student.
What it meant in the Old Testament is LEADERSHIP BY EXAMPLE. For the disciples of Jesus, it required following their Master Teacher literally step-by- step on a road trip which lasted on hindsight three years or so. In this they were following the way of discipleship espoused by the three most important words in the Book of Proverbs:
KNOWLEDGE – the WHAT of Yeshua’s teachings – by parables or signs and wonders that spoke louder than words.
UNDERSTANDING the WHY of His Ministry.
WISDOM – the HOW, the practical application of what they have learned by His example and teaching.
Heavenly Father, the early disciples understood that discipleship meant a 24-hour ” up close and personal relationship” with Jesus. It required the painful self-sacrifice of their time, torso ( energy), talent, tribe ( leaving family and jobs) and treasure ( investing money ). It meant a time spent solely with Jesus learning by His example. So many modern disciples have yet to understand their call to discipleship. May this series in the days ahead awaken them to the GOAD of LAMED to re-orientate and point them towards the goal of true discipleship – the bleeding that must come before blessing!