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In Celebration Of A Noble Life

In Celebration Of A Noble Life

By Christopher Quah

The 14th of October 2018 was a joyous occasion for Asian Beacon, as Rev. Loh Soon Choy a long-time serving Advisor and board member to the magazine celebrated his 80th birthday.  This auspicious event was held at Noble Mansion, Plaza 33 Petaling Jaya. Despite his advance age and fragile health, the reverend explained that he is still able to go places, thanks to the grace of God.

The reverend and his lovely wife, Lydia Kristanto share 46 years of marriage

“It’s all thanks to the Lord that I am still able to serve and go around, despite suffering from stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer. It is God who has been sustaining me through this hard time. In fact, thanks to His providence, He has also provided me with the finances to undergo treatment for my sickness. This was from the help of pastors and friends who came to my aid from near and far,” explains Rev. Loh.

In fact, a testament of God’s sustaining grace was that Rev Loh was thankful he could enjoy all the delicious food served for his birthday.

One of the main highlights of the birthday lunch isn't necessary a birthday cake

For him, he finds that living by depending on God to sustain oneself is a powerful testimony of God’s providence. Rev. Loh hopes that it will be an encouragement to anyone who knows about his situation, as it shows that we can trust God, as He is with us, even in our trouble and pain.

The reverend and Asian Beacon Chairman Yoke Tee

“He uses hard times and circumstances even among the Christian leaders to be an example to men. Never feel that God has failed us, and always be ready to go and share your testimony with others. I always remember the story of Daniel in the lion’s den, as well as his companions Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah in the fiery furnace, where the Pre-Incarnate Christ was there to deliver them from all their troubles,” Rev. Loh explains.

These biblical accounts remind him of God’s power and gives him the strength to carry on. He adds also that a spirit of thankfulness is also very important even in tough times.

“I also thank God for my wife, Lydia Kristanto. Without her, life would be very difficult. She was there helping me since the beginning, when I was wheelchair bound. But my condition has since improved and now I can walk about with the use of a walking stick. This allows me to be still active and continue being involved in the Christian community as a whole,” he adds on saying.

The reverend and the Asian Beacon committee having a hearty Chinese style birthday lunch

Indeed, the reverend is still a very active exco to the Asian Beacon magazine, making him a well loved and celebrated member of the Asian Beacon family.

When asked what his birthday wish might be, the reverend replied that it would be that all the readers take his word of advice which is to live up to the verses of Colossians 3:23.

“Whatever you do, work at it with your whole being, for the Lord and not for men. I believe that this is the right way to live for God, with the very limited time we have on earth,” the reverend shares with this Godly piece of advice.

Wise words indeed, as the reverend himself is a living testimony of what he preaches. As long as God wills, the reverend explains he will continue to live for the Lord.

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