Study #2: NUN
Yesterday we saw what NUN means pictorially – as the highest office given to one who is a faithful and humble servant of God e.g. like Moses and Jesus.
NUN is also an action word – to continue and to propagate like fish in the sea of humanity…to become “fishers of men” (Mark 1:16-18).
But such a charge comes with the innate meaning of NUN as a submitted servant of God. Thus, we have to be mindful of Jesus’ warnings:
- “…without Me you can do nothing” (John 15: 5).
- ” Abide in Me…” (John 15:4).
- ” Every branch that bears fruit, God prunes, so that it may bear more fruit” (John 15:2).
Abba Father, let us be aware that the honour and privilege of NUN comes with a certain responsibility – to abide in Your Son, to be always submitted to Your Will for our lives, and to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in everything we say, think and do.